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Hi Luna Nectar fam,
2020. It's been quite a crazy year, wouldn't you say? To find some semblance of calmness and sense of grounding in such craziness, I've been off recording a podcast for you.
I'm pretty much a geek when it comes to plants, mental and physical healing, and all things wellness, but what I realized doing this podcast is that there is still SO much to learn. It's such a journey and there will always be a new layer to unfold and educate ourselves with - through this process I reconnected with more of an inner fiery passion for education and understanding - the nitty gritty and the hunger for depths of truth.
We went all out - we interviewed everyone from what you may call more factual-based, to more woo-woo concepts - from nutritionists, fitness, and adaptogen experts, to reiki healers and even human design guides and astrologers. We want to provide you with enough information from expansive forms of modalities, so that you can take what you resonate with to create your own system of healing. We also found inspiring stories and business tidbits behind why these guests do what they do, and hopefully they can inspire you as well.
For a few months, my producer Diana and I traversed the city of Vancouver, Canada and met up (socially distanced, of course) with incredible experts. We came in with the idea that we would conduct light, casual conversations, but the raw, real content that spilled forth from our guests far exceeded our expectations. It feels like the world is currently subconsciously, but collectively driving towards a much-needed truth - to reset - and our guests provided that deeper introspection.
We've recorded 15 episodes for Season One. In the process of wrap-up, we also decided to record an impromptu pilot podcast to let you guys meet the team and learn a bit more about why we decided to start the podcast in the first place.
You can listen to every episode on Spotify, iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play, and YouTube.
We can't wait for to share these episodes with you - we genuinely care about your wellbeing and we know you will get as much out of these conversations that we have. Although healing is a journey, we want you to remember that it will never be 'perfect', there is no 'end destination' to strive for - there will always be things that come up and it's about adapting, and reaching into your wellness toolbox to handle each upcoming situation, mood, or phase with more knowledge and understanding than the last.
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, feel free to leave a comment on our Instagram @lunanectar.
Make Love to the Moon,
Mia, Founder of Luna Nectar