Think of millions of little jars, tubes, caps, and pumps used by the beauty industry every year.
Most of them are headed for the trash or become pollution. It doesn’t have to be this way. Luna Nectar is excited to join forces with Pact Collective. Together we are closing the loop on the industry’s hard-to-recycle packaging. We invite our US and Canadian customers to mail 5-10 clean, empty beauty packages to Pact’s recycling facility.
Our goal: no packaging sent to the landfill or making its way into the ocean.

Find a Collection Point Near You
In Canada, most collection points are at Hudson's Bay. US friends – the collection points are more varied.
No collection point near you? Keep reading to find out how to mail it in below.

How to Mail Back Empties
1. Once you finish a hard-to-recycle product, be mindful to save them (see recycling guidelines here.)
2. When you have 5-10 empties collected and cleaned, create a mailing label on pactcollective.org.
3. Drop your empties in any small envelope or box and mail them back.
4. We’ll pay for the recycling costs and only ask that you pay for the shipping.
To show our appreciation, 10% off will be taken off your next purchase!