Feeling like your anxiety has anxiety? Does it feel like you're dragging your body around like a reluctant boulder on a chain every day? It could be due to magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is a crucial mineral that is commonly lacking in adults. Our food supply stemming from our nutrient-deprived soil and water supply is typically depleted of magnesium by factors such as machine treatment, pollutants, and pesticides. We should be intaking 320 – 420mg daily, however the average adult intakes 250mg daily. For those who exercise rigorously, your intake should be higher, up to 500mg. If you are an avid caffeine or alcohol drinker, this can deplete your magnesium reserves as well.
photo credit: bioalaune.com
Why is magnesium important?
Magnesium is responsible for basic functions in your body on a cellular level: cell transport activity, including allowing your cells to create energy. Your bones contain much of your magnesium, and it is also important for building and regulating muscle cells, including the heart.
Under stress, magnesium dwindles rapidly. Magnesium assists in stimulating the release of the stress hormone, reduce the release of ACTH (the hormone that lets your adrenal glands to kickstart cortisol and adrenaline), and acts as a guard at the blood brain barrier to prevent stress hormones from entering the brain.
How do we know if we receive enough magnesium or not?
You can consult your doctor for detailed magnesium testing, however only about 0.3% of your magnesium supply is found in the blood serum so it may depict a fully holistic, accurate snapshot of your magnesium levels.
The good news is, it is possible to be aware of your own body and read the signs. Many common symptoms include:
• anxiety
• lethargy
• depression
• back pain
• headaches
• brain fog/impaired thinking or memory
• insomnia/trouble sleeping/staying asleep
• muscle cramps
• tension
• mood/behavioral changes
The most effective and potent method of intaking magnesium to apply the oil directly to the skin where it can bypass the digestive system and be absorbed quicker, as opposed to ingesting traditional magnesium pills or powder that may upset the stomach, or is known to not absorb fully. In large doses, oral magnesium may also cause diarrhea or other gastrointestinal issues.
What is the difference between transdermal magnesium and Epsom salts?
Our Nocturne Anti-Stress and Sleep Magnesium Oil formula is made from magnesium chloride (magnesium salt, straight from the seabed.) Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate (magnesium +sulphur + oxygen). It is similar to magnesium chloride but less concentrated, as magnesium chloride is a highly pure form of magnesium. According to some experts, Epsom salt magnesium is believed to be excreted through the kidneys faster than in magnesium chloride.
The benefits of Nocturne Anti-Stress and Sleep Magnesium Oil is that helps with sleep, reducing anxiety and stress, migraines, and muscle recovery.
We use a highly concentrated form of magnesium chloride derived straight from the Zechstein seabed. Compared to conventional magnesium sprays that may cause itchiness or stinging, our formula is infused with aloe vera to diminish such side effects, and calming lavender to induce relaxation.
Magnesium deficiency and stress: Issues of their relationship, diagnostic tests, and approaches to therapy. - Tarasov EA, Blinov DV, Zimovina UV, Sandakova EA.
A pilot study to determine the impact of transdermal magnesium treatment on serum levels and whole body CaMg ratios. Mineral Check, Lenham Heath, United Kingdom, Herbal Research Centre, Battle, United Kingdom. -- Watkins K., Josling PD.
Permeation of topically applied Magnesium ions through human skin is facilitated by hair follicles – Chandrasekaran N.C., Sanchez W.Y., Mohammed Y.H., Grice J.E., Roberts M.S., Barnard R.T. – Magnesium Journal.